Google Auto Draw Tool Download

The Flying, Draw! Dataset


The Straightaway Draw Dataset is a collection of 50 one thousand thousand drawings across 345 categories, contributed past players of the game Quick, Draw!. The drawings were captured arsenic timestamped vectors, tagged with metadata including what the player was asked to draw and quarter and in which country the player was located. You derriere browse the recognized drawings on

We'ray sharing them here for developers, researchers, and artists to explore, study, and learn from. If you make over something with this dataset, delight let us know by e-mail or at A.I. Experiments.

We have also released a tutorial and model for training your own drawing classifier on

Please keep in mind that while this aggregation of drawings was individually moderated, it may tranquillize contain inappropriate content.


  • The raw tempered dataset
  • Preprocessed dataset
  • Get the data
  • Projects exploitation the dataset
  • Changes
  • License

The raw moderated dataset

The sore data is available As ndjson files seperated by category, in the following format:

Key Typewrite Description
key_id 64-bit unsigned whole number A unique identifier across altogether drawings.
word string Family the player was prompted to pull off.
established boolean Whether the give voice was recognized aside the game.
timestamp datetime When the drawing was created.
countrycode string A two missive area code (ISO 3166-1 explorative-2) of where the musician was located.
drawing string along A JSON array representing the transmitter drawing

Each line contains one drawing. Present's an example of a single drawing:

{              "key_id":"5891796615823360"              ,              "word":"nose"              ,              "countrycode":"AE"              ,              "timestamp":"2017-03-01 20:41:36.70725 UTC"              ,              "recognized":avowedly              ,              "drawing":[              [              [              129              ,              128              ,              129              ,              129              ,              130              ,              130              ,              131              ,              132              ,              132              ,              133              ,              133              ,              133              ,              133              ,...]              ]              ]              }            

The format of the draft array is as following:

              [              [              // First stroke                            [              x0              ,              x1              ,              x2              ,              x3              ,              ...]              ,              [              y0              ,              y1              ,              y2              ,              y3              ,              ...]              ,              [              t0              ,              t1              ,              t2              ,              t3              ,              ...]              ]              ,              [              // Second stroke              [              x0              ,              x1              ,              x2              ,              x3              ,              ...]              ,              [              y0              ,              y1              ,              y2              ,              y3              ,              ...]              ,              [              t0              ,              t1              ,              t2              ,              t3              ,              ...]              ]              ,              ...              // Additional strokes              ]            

Where x and y are the picture element coordinates, and t is the time in milliseconds since the first point. x and y are serious-valued while t is an whole number. The unpolished drawings butt have vastly different bounding boxes and number of points due to the different devices used for display and input.

Preprocessed dataset

We've preprocessed and split the dataset into different files and formats to make it faster and easier to download and explore.

Simplified Drawing files (.ndjson)

We've simplified the vectors, removed the timing selective information, and positioned and scaled the information into a 256x256 region. The data is exported in ndjson format with the same metadata as the raw formatting. The simplification process was:

  1. Align the drawing to the top-left street corner, to have negligible values of 0.
  2. Uniformly scale the drawing, to have a maximum value of 255.
  3. Resample all strokes with a 1 pixel spacing.
  4. Simplify all strokes using the Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm with an epsilon value of 2.0.

There is an example in examples/nodejs/simplified-parser.js showing how to read ndjson files in NodeJS.
Additionally, the examples/nodejs/ndjson.Maryland written document details a put off of command-line tools that fire help explore subsets of these quite large files.

Positional notation files (.bin)

The simplified drawings and metadata are also available in a customs binary formatting for efficient compression and loading.

There is an object lesson in examples/ showing how to load the binary files in Python.
There is also an example in examples/nodejs/positional notation-parser.js display how to translate the binary files in NodeJS.

Numpy bitmaps (.npy)

All the simplified drawings have been rendered into a 28x28 grayscale bitmap in numpy .npy format. The files can be loaded with atomic number 93.load(). These images were generated from the simplified data, but are aligned to the meat of the draft's bounding box rather than the top-left corner. Check hither for code snippet in use for generation.

Get the data

The dataset is available on Google Fog Storage as ndjson files seperated aside category. See the name of files in Cloud Cabinet, surgery read Sir Thomas More about accessing public datasets using former methods. As an representative, to easily download wholly easy drawings, one way is to run the command gsutil -m cp 'gs://quickdraw_dataset/full/easy/*.ndjson' .

Full dataset seperated by categories

  • Raw files (.ndjson)
  • Simplified drawings files (.ndjson)
  • Double star files (.bin)
  • Numpy bitmap files (.npy)

Sketch-RNN QuickDraw Dataset

This data is also old for training the Outline-RNN model. An acceptive source, TensorFlow carrying out of this model is for sale in the Magenta Project, (link to GitHub repo). You backside also read more about this model in this Google Research blog billet. The data is stored in compressible .npz files, in a format suitable for inputs into a recurrent neural net.

In this dataset, 75K samples (70K Preparation, 2.5K Establishment, 2.5K Test) has been randomly selected from each family, processed with RDP course simplification with an epsilon parametric quantity of 2.0. Each class will make up stored in its own .npz register, for example, cat.npz.

We bear likewise provided the full data for for each one category, if you want to use more than 70K training examples. These are stored with the .full.npz extensions.

  • Numpy .npz files

Note: For Python3, loading the npz files using np.load(data_filepath, encoding='latin1', allow_pickle=Admittedly)

Instructions for converting Unanalyzed ndjson files to this npz format is forthcoming in this notebook.

Projects using the dataset

Here are some projects and experiments that are using or featuring the dataset in interesting shipway. Got something to add? Let us know!

Creative and artistic projects

  • Letter collages by Deborah Schmidt
  • Face tracking try out by Neil Mendoza
  • Faces of Humanity by Tortue
  • Infinite QuickDraw by
  • by Matthew Collyer
  • Draw This by Dan Macnish
  • Scribbling Speech by Xinyue Yang
  • illustrAItion by Ling Chen
  • Dreaming of Electric Sheep away Dr. Ernesto Bartholomeu Diaz-Aviles

Data analyses

  • How do you draw a circle? by Quartz
  • Forma Fluens aside Mauro Martino, Hendrik Strobelt and Owen Cornec
  • How Extendible Does it Go for (Quick) Draw a Dog? by Jim Vallandingham
  • Finding stinking flamingo drawings with recurrent neural networks by Colin Esther Morris
  • Facets Dive x Agile, Draw! by People + AI Research Initiative (Pair off), Google
  • Exploring and Visualizing an Open Globose Dataset by Google Enquiry
  • Machine Scholarship for Visualization - Talk / article aside Ian Johnson


  • A Neural Histrionics of Sketch Drawings by David Hour angle, Douglas Eck, ICLR 2018. code
  • Sketchmate: Deep hashing for trillion-scale human sketch retrieval by Peng Xu et aliae., CVPR 2018.
  • Multi-graph transformer free of charge-hand outline recognition by Peng Xu, Chaitanya K Joshi, Xavier Bresson, ArXiv 2019. code
  • Bass Ego-Supervised Representation Erudition gratis-Hand Sketch by Peng Xu et Alabama., ArXiv 2020. code
  • SketchTransfer: A Challenging New Task for Exploring Detail-Invariance and the Abstractions Learned by Low-pitched Networks past Alex Lamb, Sherjil Ozair, Vikas Verma, David Ha, WACV 2020.
  • Deep Learning free of charge-Hand Sketch: A Survey by Peng Xu, ArXiv 2020.
  • A New Adumbrate Recognition Model based on Convolutional Neural Networks by Abdullah Talha Kabakus, 2nd International Sexual relation on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications, pp. 101-106, 2020.

Guides & Tutorials

  • TensorFlow instructor for drawing classification
  • Train a model in tf.keras with Colab, and run it in the browser with TensorFlow.js away Zaid Alyafeai

Cypher and tools

  • Flying, Draw! Polymer Component & Data API past Nick Jonas
  • Quick, Hook for Processing by Cody Ben Lewis
  • Hurried, Draw! prediction model away Keisuke Irie
  • Random try joyride by Learning statistics is awesome
  • SVG interlingual rendition in d3.js example by Ian Johnson (read more about the process here)
  • Sketch-RNN Classification by Payal Bajaj
  • quickdraw.js by Dylan Thomas Wagenaar
  • ~ Doodler ~ by Krishna Sri Somepalli
  • quickdraw Python API by Martin O'Hanlon
  • RealTime QuickDraw by Akshay Bahadur
  • DataFlow processing by Guillem Xercavins
  • QuickDrawGH Rhino Plugin by James Dalessandro


May 25, 2017: Updated Adumbrate-RNN QuickDraw dataset, created .egg-filled.npz antonymous sets.


This data made obtainable by Google, Inc. under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.

Dataset Metadata

The tailing table is incumbent for this dataset to be indexed aside look for engines so much as Google Dataset Search.

material possession value
name The Quick, Force! Dataset
alternateName Quick Draw Dataset
alternateName quickdraw-dataset
description The Intelligent Draw Dataset is a collection of 50 million drawings across 345 categories, contributed by players of the lame "Quick, Attract!". The drawings were captured as timestamped vectors, tagged with metadata including what the instrumentalist was asked to draw and in which country the instrumentalist was located.\n \n Example drawings: ![preview](
property economic value
name Google
property value
name CC BY 4.0

Google Auto Draw Tool Download


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